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作者:小张 发布时间:2019-11-29 11:21:14
作者:阿普 发布时间:2023-09-17 21:33:10
作者:沙皮 发布时间:2016-12-19 08:58:19
作者:tankry 发布时间:2020-01-06 22:13:28
作者:Steve 发布时间:2010-08-28 10:37:49
作者:Fanchen 发布时间:2011-11-15 13:08:06
A very brief introduction to the five important sections in forensic science: Anthropometry, Fingerprint, Polygraph, Ballistic fingerprinting, and DNA typing. At the end of the book, almost exhaustive reading list is available for each technique, as well as law documents. This is a good reference book!
作者:西贝风度 发布时间:2022-02-17 15:24:25
DNA Evidence and Forensic Science reading notes
作者:Fanchen 发布时间:2011-11-15 13:08:44
p5: Anthropometry. Developed by Alphonse Bertillon (a French criminologist) in the late 1870s, this method, though largely replaced by fingerprint analysis now, is still widely used in anthropology to determine the identity of human remains.
p6: Bertillonage = Bertillon's system of using precise terminology to determine a human body's characters. He went as meticulously as possible in measuring human bodies, such as characterizing a person's ear into more than 50 categories or designing extremely sophisticated and well-controlled methods to measure the length of a foot.
p8: Bertillonage is like the taxonomy of human beings.
p9: The decline of Bertillonage was due to its sophistication and people from other countries being unable or unwilling to follow Bertillon's original requirements. Another reason, of course, was the rise of the much simpler analysis of fingerprints.
p11: I don't know of how the ancient Chinese interpreted the fingerprint ink, but I kinda feel that the fingerprint mark is more of an authorization that the person to which the mark belongs agree with whatever the document states. The fingerprint mark is a signature. And since signature can be forged, so can fingerprint mark. My point here is the use of fingerprint to distinguish people developed in China is not for IDENTIFYING individuals but for AUTHORIZATION. Thus, the Chinese actually have never figured out how to compare fingerprints and determine whether they are identical or not, despite the fact that they might have noticed the potential application of fingerprints long time ago.
Sir William Herschel, by mid-19th century, developed the modern use of fingerprints in criminology during his work in India. Dr Henry Faulds pushed the study even further around the same time in Japan and published a paper (the first scientific paper in the use of fingerprints for identification purposes) in Nature. Yet, the later drama between the two for who discovered the value of fingerprints was kind of hilarious. Francis Galton wrote the first classics in the field: Finger Prints, in 1892 (however, this man did so for eugenic purpose).
The fingerprint system for English-speaking countries (developed by Sir Edward Henry) is slightly different from that for Spanish-speaking countries (developed by Juan Vucetich)
p16: Two basic assumptions of fingerprint: 1. Fingerprint develops before a person is born, lasts forever, and is almost impossible to alter using any means; 2. each individual has a unique fingerprint pattern.
p19: Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals (what constitutes scientific evidence? What kind of science is admissible?)
p20: United States v. Bryon Mitchell (first challenge to the admissibility of fingerprint evidence)
p21: Though there are still controversies surrounding the validity of traditional fingerprint analysis and the new-comer, namely the DNA fingerprinting, has become highly accurate, it is still one of the most convenient method in terms of individual identification.
Ballistic Fingerprint
p27: Indeed, the problem with the size of the database is a huge concern for ballistic fingerprinting. Perhaps what is needed is to digitalize the information contained in the markings of the bullet and the rifling of the gun that fires the bullet. If computerized, to set up a library for all the ballistic weapons currently available through legal means in the US is not impossible. I think people should try to further the issue this way, just as the digitalization of real fingerprints. And at the meantime, it might be a good idea to suspend the traditional stockpile of weapons.
Polygraph (lie detection)
p28: The hot iron-bar test of lying is totally absurd, whereas the dry rice (or bread, or cheese) chewing test does have a tiny little sanity in it, since people tend to secrete less saliva when they are until strong emotional response, such as lying in this particular case.
p29: Later during the Renaissance was pulse rate recognized as a good way to detect subterfuge. Yet, full application of this method was not possible until the techniques for measuring pulse rate and respiration were available in the 19th century.
p31: The four elements in modern polygraph: blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration, and galvanic skin response (GSR: the change of skin electrical conductivity).
p32: It is worth pointing out over and over again that a polygraph is not necessarily a lie-detecting machine, yet it is only a piece of equipment that detects multiple physiological changes of human body when the person is subject to different emotional state, such as lying. However, the emotional state could also include nervousness, fright, etc.
p35: The Daubert case and the Frye case are again mentioned here.
p35: Refer to the Scheffer case to know that polygraph is still not accepted in American jurisdiction.
p37: The scientific validity of polygraph (and also the underlying hypothesis that lying can be correlated with measurable physiological responses) is not strong. Besides, two official reports suggested that the accuracy of detecting lies with polygraph was far from perfection. Yet, it is still the best method currently available in lie-detecting business.
p39: The EPPA regulation prohibits many fields of employment from using polygraph before employment. Yet, many federal- or legal-related departments are exempted from the regulation, and the use of polygraph pre-employment, its inaccuracy and lack of scientific support notwithstanding, is widespread. In fact, I feel that polygraph has somehow transcended its role as a simple machine of measurement, but become a symbol of authority that forces the truth out of some people. Just as stated in the book, many a time people's belief in the power of polygraph makes them reveal the truth before the test is even applied. In this sense, the continuation of polygraph test might not be a bad idea at all. The technique is indeed too weak to be accepted as legal evidence, yet it might help investigators or employers to find clues and inspirations that are otherwise unattainable.
DNA Typing
p40: British geneticist Alec Jeffreys discovered the application of DNA typing in forensic use.
p43: The Andrew's case in 1987 (Tommy Lee Andrews was convicted a rape crime and the verdict was upheld in higher district court of appeals thanks to DNA evidence) is the first one in the US that depends on DNA evidence.
p44: People vs. Castro, the one very important case in DNA typing. It reveals that 1. DNA typing is scientifically sound; and 2. the biggest problem of such evidence arises from mistreatment of the DNA sample and human error in analysis.
p48: Here comes the social-political problem concerning DNA database: should we obtain the DNA information from "the entire criminal population" even if the individuals are not subject to any prosecution? The question could be modified into: does the government have such right as to obtain our very private DNA information by claiming that this could facilitate the search of justice? Would this eventually lead to a totalitarianism, that the government knows not only who we are but wherever we go and whatever we do? In fact, a more practical problem at that time was there were simply too many DNA samples to be typed or to be acquired from criminals. It is good practice that the expansion of DNA database was not approved back in the 90s, yet perhaps such idea would come out again in the future, considering the fact that we have already entered the fourth generation of DNA sequencer.
p49: The first case in US that a wrongly convicted person was exonerated due to DNA evidence: the release of Gary Dotson in 1989.
p56: The difference between the Frye standard and the Rule 702 is that the former requires scientific evidence to be firstly "generally accepted" within the field, while the latter only requires it to be scientifically sound even if the science of the evidence has not been largely accepted by the scientific community. This change is quite important, because it allows the use of new techniques in providing evidence, which might give rise to advancement in forensic science.
p102: Locard's Exchange Principle. The principle states that a criminal will ALWAYS leave some traces behind him, either his fingerprints, footprints, hair, fiber, or something else.
p131: Book, article, report, website list concerning general information of forensic science.
p169: Book, article, report, website list concerning DNA Typing.
p226: A clear replay of the Daubert case judgement. The key difference between the Daubert and the Fyre cases is that the latter requires "general acceptance" of the specific expert evidence, while the former requires close examination of the principles and methods which construct or produce such evidence. In fact, general acceptance is also needed in the Daubert rule, yet it is for the methods not the evidence itself. The logic behind the Daubert rule is that, as long as the principles and methods are scientifically sound, peer reviewed, generally accepted, and the error rates of which available, the conclusions generated by them can be admissible as good evidence. This essentially allows new techniques to be used in court, without fearing that its novelty would prevent its potential capabilities in clarifying doubts.
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