悦读天下 -Tolkien and the Great War
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Tolkien and the Great War书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780618574810
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:01 June, 2005
  • 页数:398
  • 价格:$14.00
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 原文摘录:点击查看
  • 更新时间:2025-01-09 23:33:48


"Very much the best book about J.R.R. Tolkien that has yet been written." -- A.N. Wilson

"A highly intelligent book ... Garth displays impressive skills both as researcher and writer." -- Max Hastings

"It is a strange story that Garth tells, but he tells it clearly and compellingly." -- Tom Shippey

"Somewhere, I think, Tolkien is nodding in appreciation." -- Charles Matthews, San Jose Mercury News

"Gripping from start to finish and offers important new insights." - Library Journal

"A labor of love in which journalist Garth combines a newsman's nose for a good story with a scholar's scrupulous attention to detail... Brilliantly argued." -- Daily Mail

"Insight into how a writer turned academia into art, how deeply friendship supports and wounds us, and how the death and disillusionment that characterized World War I inspired Tolkien's lush saga." - Detroit Free Press

To be caught in youth by 1914 was no less hideous an experience than in 1939 . . . by 1918 all but one of my close friends were dead.”

So J.R.R. Tolkien responded to critics who saw The Lord of the Rings as a reaction to the Second World War. Tolkien and the Great War tells for the first time the full story of how he embarked on the creation of Middle-earth in his youth as the world around him was plunged into catastrophe. This biography reveals the horror and heroism that he experienced as a signals officer in the Battle of the Somme and introduces the circle of friends who spurred his mythology into life. It shows how, after two of these brilliant young men were killed, Tolkien pursued the dream they had all shared by launching his epic of good and evil.

This is the first substantially new biography of Tolkien since 1977, meticulously researched and distilled from his personal wartime papers and a multitude of other sources.

John Garth argues that the foundation of tragic experience in the First World War is the key to Middle-earth's enduring power. Tolkien used his mythic imagination not to escape from reality but to reflect and transform the cataclysm of his generation. While his contemporaries surrendered to disillusionment, he kept enchantment alive, reshaping an entire literary tradition into a form that resonates to this day.




John Garth, winner of the 2004 Mythopoeic Society Scholarship Award, studied English at Oxford University and has since worked as a newspaper journalist in London. A long-standing taste for the works of Tolkien, combined with an interest in the First World War, fueled the five years of research that have gone into Tolkien and the Great War and he has drawn extensively on previously unpublished personal papers as well as Tolkien's service record and other unique military documents.










"Very much the best book about J.R.R. Tolkien that has yet been written." -- A.N. Wilson

"A highly intelligent book ... Garth displays impressive skills both as researcher and writer." -- Max Hastings

"It is a strange story that Garth tells, but he tells it clearly and compellingly." -- Tom Shippey

"Somewhere, I think, Tolkien is nodding in appreciation." -- Charles Matthews, San Jose Mercury News

"Gripping from start to finish and offers important new insights." - Library Journal

"A labor of love in which journalist Garth combines a newsman's nose for a good story with a scholar's scrupulous attention to detail... Brilliantly argued." -- Daily Mail

"Insight into how a writer turned academia into art, how deeply friendship supports and wounds us, and how the death and disillusionment that characterized World War I inspired Tolkien's lush saga." - Detroit Free Press

To be caught in youth by 1914 was no less hideous an experience than in 1939 . . . by 1918 all but one of my close friends were dead.”

So J.R.R. Tolkien responded to critics who saw The Lord of the Rings as a reaction to the Second World War. Tolkien and the Great War tells for the first time the full story of how he embarked on the creation of Middle-earth in his youth as the world around him was plunged into catastrophe. This biography reveals the horror and heroism that he experienced as a signals officer in the Battle of the Somme and introduces the circle of friends who spurred his mythology into life. It shows how, after two of these brilliant young men were killed, Tolkien pursued the dream they had all shared by launching his epic of good and evil.

This is the first substantially new biography of Tolkien since 1977, meticulously researched and distilled from his personal wartime papers and a multitude of other sources.

John Garth argues that the foundation of tragic experience in the First World War is the key to Middle-earth's enduring power. Tolkien used his mythic imagination not to escape from reality but to reflect and transform the cataclysm of his generation. While his contemporaries surrendered to disillusionment, he kept enchantment alive, reshaping an entire literary tradition into a form that resonates to this day.


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    the Dead Marshes ≈ the Somme battlefield

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  • 关于此书翻译的问题

    作者:makoto 发布时间:2011-08-25 14:15:51




    在前面彩色照片的部分有一张合影,下面的注释翻译是: ”牧师秋野等(藤森后面,戴白色帽子)“。原文是 behind Fujimori with white hair...应该是白色头发而不是帽子...Orz...

    还有一句”with...black shirt" 的翻译是“穿黑色衬衫”,我认为shirt泛指衣服不一定是衬衫,图里那个人的衣服也根本看不出来是衬衫。


    第31页 安藤忠雄

    译文:“我在纽约”災場“(Ground Zero)的设计很简单”

    把Ground Zero直接译成 “災場” 。Ground Zero是对911后世贸大楼遗址的称呼,似乎在台湾通常称”災場” 。另外这里读起来一开始让我以为是安藤重新设计并建造了这个叫“災場”的地方,在后来发现它其实是指世贸重建之后,才意识到似乎只是提案。。。


    第48页 青木淳,有一段译文是


    后两句的原文是:"Time-wise, however, it's another story. Once I deal with materials they consume up to 80% of my available project schedule."




    第96页 长谷川逸子,有一段

    原文:Now, Hasegawa's work speaks for her instead and if she does speak, she whispers, so as not to disturb her work.



    我觉得把 XX's work speaks for her 译作“足以替她作任何辩解” 太过了。。。另外不能理解为什么后面半句把whisper译作“委婉”。。。而且中文从这句话开始给重新起了一段,想必是觉得这段和上面半段是独立开来没有联系的。


    另外下面一段,把“not interesting for me anymore" 译作”乏善可陈“ 我还是觉得太文绉绉了。。。我没文化很难理解”乏善可陈“ 的意思,但是我很容易理解“not interesting for me anymore"。。。



  • 一路欢歌,一路成长——读《想赢的男孩》

    作者:鹏心童趣 发布时间:2017-11-21 21:55:18


    《想赢的男孩》的小主人公辛克夫是一个非常普通的小男孩。小说以时间为顺序,记叙了辛克夫从小学到初中的短暂时光。虽然他没有优秀的成绩,在学校里的表现永远算不上好,甚至没有拿的出手的特长,但是他还是一如既往地深深地热爱着学校,在她简单快乐的生活之外,他还是一个执着的小男孩,一直想要成为更加优秀的自己……作为美国儿童文学界最具天赋的小说家之一,杰里·斯皮内利的作品一直深受小读者的欢迎。我觉得除了他幽默和辛辣的写作风格之外,还与他的家庭生活有很大的关系,他有六个孩子,二十一个孙子孙女,这些孩子不仅为他的写作提供了丰富的灵感和素材,还使得这位作家与其他的儿童文学作家相比,更加的了解孩子的内心世界,也更加明白什么对孩子的成长来说是最重要的。正如小说封面中所说的“谁都有颗想赢的心,但不是谁都输得起。” 她深深地明白,正确的面对输赢对一个孩子来说意味着什么。很多时候,输得起比短暂的成功对孩子的成长来说更重要。



    在辛克夫的成长过程中, 亚洛维兹老师对他的影响是巨大的.在很长的一段时间里,辛克夫似乎已经知道自己该待的位置——那就是教室最后面的角落.亚洛维兹老师让辛克夫做了次大胆的尝试:坐在第一排,体验坐在第一排的生活;面对辛克夫潦草的字迹,他没有像其他老师那样的批评、愤怒,而是微笑着说“感谢上帝,我们还有键盘。”对于辛克夫的每一点进步,每一次尝试,亚洛维兹老师都给予了最大程度的肯定和评价。“师者,传道授业解惑也。”教师的言行对于一个孩子的健康成长的影响是巨大的。




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  • 知识广度:9分

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  • 章节划分:7分

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  • 情感共鸣:8分

  • 引人入胜:5分

  • 现实相关:8分

  • 沉浸感:4分

  • 事实准确性:7分

  • 文化贡献:3分


  • 书籍多样性:4分

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  • 愉快的找书体验(293+)
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