【到手287元】DK儿童百科全书:DK自然运转的秘密+DK科学运转的秘密+DK历史运转的秘密(套装3册) 【官方包邮】英国DK公司著 这是DK专为孩子打造的一座历史博物馆 中信出版社图书 在线下载 pdf mobi 2025 epub 电子版

【到手287元】DK儿童百科全书:DK自然运转的秘密+DK科学运转的秘密+DK历史运转的秘密(套装3册) 【官方包邮】英国DK公司著 这是DK专为孩子打造的一座历史博物馆 中信出版社图书精美图片

【到手287元】DK儿童百科全书:DK自然运转的秘密+DK科学运转的秘密+DK历史运转的秘密(套装3册) 【官方包邮】英国DK公司著 这是DK专为孩子打造的一座历史博物馆 中信出版社图书电子书下载地址

》【到手287元】DK儿童百科全书:DK自然运转的秘密+DK科学运转的秘密+DK历史运转的秘密(套装3册) 【官方包邮】英国DK公司著 这是DK专为孩子打造的一座历史博物馆 中信出版社图书电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

【到手287元】DK儿童百科全书:DK自然运转的秘密+DK科学运转的秘密+DK历史运转的秘密(套装3册) 【官方包邮】英国DK公司著 这是DK专为孩子打造的一座历史博物馆 中信出版社图书书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9787521753035
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2018-08
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:287.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:3开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
  • 豆瓣短评:点击查看
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  • 原文摘录:点击查看
  • 更新时间:2025-01-09 23:12:32
















  • 作者:西 西 弗 神 话 发布时间:2024-04-16 00:08:05


  • 作者:sinacnonnac 发布时间:2012-10-14 12:20:18


  • 作者:清夜沉沉动春酌 发布时间:2018-07-10 09:14:54


  • 作者:昨夜风很大 发布时间:2019-03-13 13:43:45


  • 作者:代号莫里亚蒂 发布时间:2024-01-15 17:09:04


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  • 浪费时间的书

    作者:dogthree 发布时间:2012-02-15 12:04:52


  • Notes on The Effective Engineer

    作者:Dufan 发布时间:2020-05-14 11:02:34


    (PS. 疫情前从library借走10本书简直是今年做过最好的决定,拖延症总是高估自己的阅读速度,之前两周的checking out period经常看到一半就需要还回去,这次county图书馆无限延长借阅时间简直不能太开心)

    Part 1 Adopt the right mindset




    - High-leverage activities behave similarly, letting you amplify your limited time and effort to produce much more impact.

    - 3 questions to ask:

    1. How can I complete this activity in shorter amount of time?

    2. How can I increase the value produced by this activity?

    3. Is there something else that I could spend my time on that would produce more value?

    - 3 solutions:

    1. automate parts of development/testing process that thus far done manually

    2. prioritize tasks based on how critical they are for launch so that you maximize the value of what you finally ship

    3. talk with customer support to understand value


    Growth mindset


    - own your story: write your own story instead of letting others define it

    - capitalize on opportunties at work to improve your technical skills

    - locate learning opportunities outside of the workspace

    - study code for core abstractions written by the best engineers at your company


    Prioritize Regularly


    - understand # of projects you can work on simulatneously; resist urge to take more (reduce context switches)

    - build routine to manage and execute on your own priorities

    - make if-then plans to combat procrastination

    - work on important and non-urgent (prioritize long-term investments that increase effectiveness)

    Part 2 Execute, Execute, execute

    - optimize iteration speed: identify biggest bottlenecks and figure out how to eliminate them.

    - optimize your debugging work flow

    - invest in tooling




    Good metrics

    1. help you focus on right thing

    2. drive forward progress

    3. help guard against future regression

    4. measure effectiveness, compare leverage


    Data integrity


    - log data liberally, in case it turns out useful later

    - build tools to iterate on data accuracy sooner

    - write E2E integration test to validate entire analytics pipeline

    - examine collected data sooner

    - cross-validate data accuracy by computing same metric in multiple ways

    - when a # look off, dig into early


    Validate ideas early and often


    - optimize for feedback asap, understand what user actuallly want and iterate on that feedback

    - create a feedback loop (soliciting regular feedback)


    Improve project estimation


    - budget for unknown

    - do the riskiest tasks first

    - reduce risk early: stub out incomplete module & assemble E2E system ASAP

    - think of estimate as probability distribution

    - beware of anchoring bias (ignore timeline your manager gives you first)

    - define specific project goals & measureable milestones (sharded)


    Rewrite projects with caution


    - add new features to new or old system

    - Frederick Brooks "second-system effect: difficulties in rewriting"

    - convert a large rewrite project into a series of smaller projects

    - using an incremental approach may increase overall amount of work but dramatically reduce risk is often worth it

    Part 3 Build Long-term value


    Balance quality with pragmatisim


    Bobby Johnson (director of FB engineer): "Instead of right/wrong. Look at it from work vs not work"

    - To the point where the processes provide deminishing returns on quality and actually reduce effectiveness.

    - Manage complexity through abstraction: create an abstraction too early, before you have a firm handle on the general problem you're solving, the resulting design can be overfitted to the available use case.


    Technical Debt


    - Since our initial understanding of problems always will be incomplete, incurring a little debt is unavoidable; it's just part of getting things done.

    - The key to being a more effective engineer is to incur TD when it's necessary to GTD for a deadline, but to pay off the debt periodically.

    - lightweight mechanism to pay off technical debt "Fixit week: with theme


    Minimize Operational Burden


    - keeping a system up and running, scaling a feature to support more users, fixing bugs, transferring an ever-growing body of institutional knowledge to new engineers --- all of these costs continue to tax a team's resources, even after a feature or system ships. When team is small, minimizing that tax is critical.

    - Steve Job on iPod: When you first start off trying to solve a problem, the first solutions you come up with are very complex, and most people stop there. But if you keep going, and live with the problem and peel more layers of the onion off, you can oftentimes arrive at some very elegant and simple solutions. Most people just don't put in the time or eneergy to get there.

    - Mike Krieger, Instagram CTO. Pick solid & proven technologies instead of new ones

    - "Do Simple thing first" mantra/core engineering tenet

    - Fail fast

    * crash at startup time when encoutnering config errors

    * Validate software inputs early

    * bubble up an error from external service you don't know how to handle

    * alert engineers about any invalid or inconsistent program state as early as possible

    * a lot of catches may not technically good slowly faling system. Make it difficult to discover what went wrong.


    Automate Mecahnical tasks


    - automatic mechancis

    - automate decision making


    Batch process


    - scripts executing a sequence of actions without human intervention

    - "idempotent"

    * make each process either fali entirely or succeed entirely

    * the ability to run infrequent process at a more frequent rate than strictly necessary to expose problem sooner

    - run batch process more frequently (a system check every 5 minutes to 10 minutes is not as good as every 60s and watch for consecutive failures)

    - Netflix: Chaos Monkey actively wreak havoc on their own system, develop the ability to recover quickly


    Good interview process


    - screen for the type of people likely to do well

    - get candidate excited about team/culture/mission


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