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Excerpted from Non-Manipulative Selling by Anthony J. Alessandra, Phil Wexler, Rick Barrera, Tony Alessandra and Rick Barrea. Copyright ? 1992. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved
In 1974, Tony Alessandra was a marketing professor at Georgia State University teaching professional selling to undergraduates. Phil Wexler was the Vice President of Marketing and Sales for a burglar alarm company in Atlanta, Georgia. One of Phil's major responsibilities was recruiting, selecting, training and managing residential security system sales people.
We went to high school together and have been close friends since 1963. During the 11 years from 1963 to 1974, we were continually involved in business and selling projects together. In addition, no matter where we were, we continued to discuss our philosophies of selling, much to the chagrin of our wives.
One day in 1974, we were sitting in Phil's living room discussing the uneasiness we both felt over our dual lives. On the one hand, we had a philosophy of life about treating family and friends with openness, integrity and respect. On the other hand, during business hours we had to discard those values to make our livings selling or teaching sales. Our selling techniques were fraught with tricks, innuendo, shades of gray, and psychological manipulation of our customers. We were no different than other sales people or marketing professors. On that fateful night in 1974, we decided to create another way to sell that was more consistent with our personal philosophies. From that seed, the philosophy and practice of non-manipulative selling grew.
In mid-1975, the first edition of Non-Manipulative Selling rolled off the press in the form of a seminar workbook. We tested the concept in training programs and constantly revised the material based on the feedback we received. After three and a half years of testing the concepts with thousands of sales people across the United States in dozens of industries, Non-Manipulative Selling was released as a book (Courseware, 1979).
When we first wrote Non-Manipulative Selling there were only a handful of people around the country advocating similar philosophies. In addition to us, people such as Larry Wilson with his Counselor Selling Program and Mack Hanan with his Consultative Selling Program went against the grain of the current sales thought. Today, the tide has truly turned. There are thousands of people teaching concepts similar to Non-Manipulative Selling.
Speakers and consultants have jumped on the bandwagon as well, preaching value added selling, participative selling and other variations of the Non-Manipulative theme. Upon close examination, however, both in print and in live consultation, the vast majority of "experts" prove to be inconsistent. They give lip service to the philosophy, but continue to teach skills and techniques that are merely modified versions of the traditional hard sell. They are the proverbial wolves in sheep's clothing.
One reason consultants are inconsistent is they do not like to rock their clients' boats. The non-manipulative approach may rattle the cages of traditional salespeople who rely mostly on their sales pitches, closing techniques and objection handling skills to make a sale. Sales managers who teach manipulative skills also resist the philosophical changes. Therefore, many consultants water down their concepts to make them more "acceptable" to a larger number of clients.
WHY A NEW EDITION OF NON-MANIPULATIVE SELLING? It has been more than eight years since the first edition of Non-Manipulative Selling was published as a book. In that time, we have collectively presented more than 1,500 programs to more than a quarter-million people around the world. In addition, over 100,000 people purchased the book. Readers, seminar participants and a new member of our organization, Rick Barrera, have re-energized the concepts of Non-Manipulative Selling. Their collective input and specific suggestions have moved the book forward several generations. The philosophies of Non-Manipulative Selling have not changed, only the concrete steps and activities. This edition of the book has been significantly modified and expanded to include the suggestions of the sales people "in the trenches" who took the time to tell us how non-manipulative selling worked for them and how it can work better for everyone.
Over the last 12 years, non-manipulative selling has proven to be so successful that it was put on film by Walt Disney Productions, produced as a 5-part video sales training program by Coronet/MTI (Simon & Schuster Communications) and recorded as an audio cassette program by Nightingale-Conant. Many of our other successful training programs such as Relationship Strategies, Marketing as a Philosophy, Not A Department and the Art of Managing People grew out of the basic philosophies of Non-Manipulative Selling.
Non-manipulative selling has become the preferred sales philosophy of many Fortune 500 companies including IBM, Ford, IDS/American Express, Redkin Laboratories, Arthur Anderson & Company, Xerox, Loew's Hotels, American City Business Journals, AT&T, Union Bank, Hewlett Packard, Indepdendent Insurance Agents of America, Days Inns of America, Telecheck, Snelling & Snelling, Memorex Corporation, Tom James Clothiers, Dictagraph Security Systems and hundreds of others who have embraced the our concepts in seminar, audio, video and book form.
This new edition of Non-Manipulative Selling was written for people who aspire to selling with professionalism. By adopting and practicing the skills in this book, you will enter the elite five percent of sales people who can virtually write their own tickets regarding earnings, choice of geographical location, industry, company and lifestyle. These are the sales people who are making more money than many corporate presidents. It is not easy to be in the top five percent of anything, however, the knowledge you gain from this book plus your dedication and hard work will get you there. But first you have to want it.
La Jolla, CA.
Nov. 1986
Book Dimension :
length: (cm)21.4 width:(cm)14.5
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Excerpted from Non-Manipulative Selling by Anthony J. Alessandra, Phil Wexler, Rick Barrera, Tony Alessandra and Rick Barrea. Copyright ? 1992. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved
In 1974, Tony Alessandra was a marketing professor at Georgia State University teaching professional selling to undergraduates. Phil Wexler was the Vice President of Marketing and Sales for a burglar alarm company in Atlanta, Georgia. One of Phil's major responsibilities was recruiting, selecting, training and managing residential security system sales people.
We went to high school together and have been close friends since 1963. During the 11 years from 1963 to 1974, we were continually involved in business and selling projects together. In addition, no matter where we were, we continued to discuss our philosophies of selling, much to the chagrin of our wives.
One day in 1974, we were sitting in Phil's living room discussing the uneasiness we both felt over our dual lives. On the one hand, we had a philosophy of life about treating family and friends with openness, integrity and respect. On the other hand, during business hours we had to discard those values to make our livings selling or teaching sales. Our selling techniques were fraught with tricks, innuendo, shades of gray, and psychological manipulation of our customers. We were no different than other sales people or marketing professors. On that fateful night in 1974, we decided to create another way to sell that was more consistent with our personal philosophies. From that seed, the philosophy and practice of non-manipulative selling grew.
In mid-1975, the first edition of Non-Manipulative Selling rolled off the press in the form of a seminar workbook. We tested the concept in training programs and constantly revised the material based on the feedback we received. After three and a half years of testing the concepts with thousands of sales people across the United States in dozens of industries, Non-Manipulative Selling was released as a book (Courseware, 1979).
When we first wrote Non-Manipulative Selling there were only a handful of people around the country advocating similar philosophies. In addition to us, people such as Larry Wilson with his Counselor Selling Program and Mack Hanan with his Consultative Selling Program went against the grain of the current sales thought. Today, the tide has truly turned. There are thousands of people teaching concepts similar to Non-Manipulative Selling.
Speakers and consultants have jumped on the bandwagon as well, preaching value added selling, participative selling and other variations of the Non-Manipulative theme. Upon close examination, however, both in print and in live consultation, the vast majority of "experts" prove to be inconsistent. They give lip service to the philosophy, but continue to teach skills and techniques that are merely modified versions of the traditional hard sell. They are the proverbial wolves in sheep's clothing.
One reason consultants are inconsistent is they do not like to rock their clients' boats. The non-manipulative approach may rattle the cages of traditional salespeople who rely mostly on their sales pitches, closing techniques and objection handling skills to make a sale. Sales managers who teach manipulative skills also resist the philosophical changes. Therefore, many consultants water down their concepts to make them more "acceptable" to a larger number of clients.
WHY A NEW EDITION OF NON-MANIPULATIVE SELLING? It has been more than eight years since the first edition of Non-Manipulative Selling was published as a book. In that time, we have collectively presented more than 1,500 programs to more than a quarter-million people around the world. In addition, over 100,000 people purchased the book. Readers, seminar participants and a new member of our organization, Rick Barrera, have re-energized the concepts of Non-Manipulative Selling. Their collective input and specific suggestions have moved the book forward several generations. The philosophies of Non-Manipulative Selling have not changed, only the concrete steps and activities. This edition of the book has been significantly modified and expanded to include the suggestions of the sales people "in the trenches" who took the time to tell us how non-manipulative selling worked for them and how it can work better for everyone.
Over the last 12 years, non-manipulative selling has proven to be so successful that it was put on film by Walt Disney Productions, produced as a 5-part video sales training program by Coronet/MTI (Simon & Schuster Communications) and recorded as an audio cassette program by Nightingale-Conant. Many of our other successful training programs such as Relationship Strategies, Marketing as a Philosophy, Not A Department and the Art of Managing People grew out of the basic philosophies of Non-Manipulative Selling.
Non-manipulative selling has become the preferred sales philosophy of many Fortune 500 companies including IBM, Ford, IDS/American Express, Redkin Laboratories, Arthur Anderson & Company, Xerox, Loew's Hotels, American City Business Journals, AT&T, Union Bank, Hewlett Packard, Indepdendent Insurance Agents of America, Days Inns of America, Telecheck, Snelling & Snelling, Memorex Corporation, Tom James Clothiers, Dictagraph Security Systems and hundreds of others who have embraced the our concepts in seminar, audio, video and book form.
This new edition of Non-Manipulative Selling was written for people who aspire to selling with professionalism. By adopting and practicing the skills in this book, you will enter the elite five percent of sales people who can virtually write their own tickets regarding earnings, choice of geographical location, industry, company and lifestyle. These are the sales people who are making more money than many corporate presidents. It is not easy to be in the top five percent of anything, however, the knowledge you gain from this book plus your dedication and hard work will get you there. But first you have to want it.
La Jolla, CA.
Nov. 1986
Book Dimension :
length: (cm)21.4 width:(cm)14.5
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首先 ,故事的背景是大萧条时期的美国。虽然林肯早已签署了《解放黑奴宣言》,南北方也因此干了一仗,但当时的美国特别是南方,还残留着种族歧视观念。由于南北战争的教训,大多数美国人已经摈弃了对黑人的歧视,但仍有部分固执的美国人坚持称黑人为“黑鬼”,不肯放弃他们固有的观念。主人公斯库特的父亲阿蒂克斯是一个南方小镇上的一位律师。小镇上的黑人劳工汤姆被白人农民尤厄尔诬告,尤厄尔指控汤姆强奸了他女儿马耶拉,但事实是马耶拉由于父亲长期的压抑而对汤姆产生了感情,尤厄尔知道后恼羞成怒,觉得自己的女儿和一个黑人在一起简直是毁了他们家族的名声,让他在镇上没脸面待下去,于是毒打了马耶拉一顿,然后教唆并威胁她一起诬陷汤姆,说是汤姆强奸并打伤了她。阿蒂克斯为了他内心坚守并教育孩子的正义和公平精神,做了汤姆的辩护律师。开始的时候镇上的人们都不理解甚至瞧不起阿蒂克斯,说他“替黑鬼帮腔”。在庭审现场,阿蒂克斯的发言感染了所有观众,告诉了他们何为平等,何为公正,但由于陪审团成员的种族歧视倾向,无辜的汤姆最终还是被判有罪。
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