悦读天下 -法律硕士联考刑法学深度解析(精讲版)
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法律硕士联考刑法学深度解析(精讲版) 在线下载 pdf mobi 2025 epub 电子版

》法律硕士联考刑法学深度解析(精讲版)电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9787300302812
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:暂无出版时间
  • 页数:384
  • 价格:暂无价格
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  • 丛书:暂无丛书
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  • 更新时间:2025-01-09 23:18:58


本书严格按照《法律硕士(非法学)专业学位联考考试大纲》和《法律硕士(法学)专业学位联考考试大纲》中刑法学部分所涉内容进行编写,不仅对刑法总则部分进行深度解析,更对刑法分则进行了详细的深度分析。对于与考试有关的刑法司法解释,也在深度解析中予以重点阐明。本书在知识体系内容的表述上突破章节顺序限制,例如,为了深度解读刑法学第三章犯罪构成有关因果关系的相关知识,会引用后面第五章故意犯罪的停止形态中有关实害犯、危险犯和行为犯的相关知识,因此,读者在使用本书时要注意知识体系的衔接。1. 全面升级,配有名师精讲课程:本书附赠价值千元名师课程,总计约204课时,含法硕备考导读课(构建复习框架,介绍备考用书),基础课(精讲五科,涵盖大纲知识点和延伸内容,全面打牢基础)。凡是购买正版书的考生,可凭封面兑换码,兑换免费学习课程。2.涵盖考点、深度剖析: 全面阐述考试大纲中刑法学部分要求掌握的内容,将重点、常考内容详细展开进行深度剖析。对于条文中涉及的术语,本书尽可能作出解释。对于难以理解的重要知识,本书采取列举实例、案例形式予以说明。本书不仅适于复习,而且可作为考试大纲的深刻解读资料,还可用于对重点、难点的查检和作为延展性材料。3. 拓展延伸,查漏补缺: 对于考试大纲没有列出,但却是经常出现于试卷中的刑法罪名,这些罪名包括但不限于盗窃、抢夺枪支、弹药、***、危险物质罪,抢劫枪支、弹药、***、危险物质罪,非法出租、出借枪支罪,暴力危及飞行安全罪,重大劳动安全事故罪,工程重大安全事故罪,各类走私犯罪,签订、履行合同失职被骗罪,伪造、变造金融票证罪,骗取出口退税罪,过失致人重伤罪,聚众扰乱社会秩序罪,帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪,运送他人偷越国(边)境罪,偷越国(边)境罪,单位受贿罪,单位行贿罪,等等。对于上述罪名,本书依据考试的具体情况,在阐述相关罪名时一并阐述。本书针对考试分析在刑法学法律法规的引用上很不充分的情况,尽量增补了相关法律、法规及司法解释。













本书严格按照《法律硕士(非法学)专业学位联考考试大纲》和《法律硕士(法学)专业学位联考考试大纲》中刑法学部分所涉内容进行编写,不仅对刑法总则部分进行深度解析,更对刑法分则进行了详细的深度分析。对于与考试有关的刑法司法解释,也在深度解析中予以重点阐明。本书在知识体系内容的表述上突破章节顺序限制,例如,为了深度解读刑法学第三章犯罪构成有关因果关系的相关知识,会引用后面第五章故意犯罪的停止形态中有关实害犯、危险犯和行为犯的相关知识,因此,读者在使用本书时要注意知识体系的衔接。1. 全面升级,配有名师精讲课程:本书附赠价值千元名师课程,总计约204课时,含法硕备考导读课(构建复习框架,介绍备考用书),基础课(精讲五科,涵盖大纲知识点和延伸内容,全面打牢基础)。凡是购买正版书的考生,可凭封面兑换码,兑换免费学习课程。2.涵盖考点、深度剖析: 全面阐述考试大纲中刑法学部分要求掌握的内容,将重点、常考内容详细展开进行深度剖析。对于条文中涉及的术语,本书尽可能作出解释。对于难以理解的重要知识,本书采取列举实例、案例形式予以说明。本书不仅适于复习,而且可作为考试大纲的深刻解读资料,还可用于对重点、难点的查检和作为延展性材料。3. 拓展延伸,查漏补缺: 对于考试大纲没有列出,但却是经常出现于试卷中的刑法罪名,这些罪名包括但不限于盗窃、抢夺枪支、弹药、***、危险物质罪,抢劫枪支、弹药、***、危险物质罪,非法出租、出借枪支罪,暴力危及飞行安全罪,重大劳动安全事故罪,工程重大安全事故罪,各类走私犯罪,签订、履行合同失职被骗罪,伪造、变造金融票证罪,骗取出口退税罪,过失致人重伤罪,聚众扰乱社会秩序罪,帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪,运送他人偷越国(边)境罪,偷越国(边)境罪,单位受贿罪,单位行贿罪,等等。对于上述罪名,本书依据考试的具体情况,在阐述相关罪名时一并阐述。本书针对考试分析在刑法学法律法规的引用上很不充分的情况,尽量增补了相关法律、法规及司法解释。


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  • 作业!第一次写这样的东西

    作者:万户侯 发布时间:2012-01-20 09:22:55

    Do we need end the Fed?

    -----review of the book “End the Fed”

           When I browser the news about Chinese Economics, I find the People’s Bank of China which is the central Bank in China is similar with the FED. They need to print the money so crazy for maintaining the speed of increasing the GDP. Quoting the news in the Internet, we know the M2 in China will increase 16% in the future. However, the government only pays the attention on the speed of increasing the GDP, missing the inflation.

            As we know the FED has the important function of maintaining the stable of American economics. Even so, most of the Media only use the good word to illusion the Fed. They little mentioned the negative side of the FED like Money Press. When you control the right of pressing the money, you are unable to reject to press more money. In this condition, the money is not the money.

            After the Financial Crisis which happened in 2008, the FED had pressed a lot of the dollar to maintain the improvement of Economics. During the period of the time which there are many banks or other financial institutions will be bankrupt. The Fed changes the role in this capital game from a judge to a player. As another economist Merlin Perry said, the Fed does the same things as the AIG or Lehman Brothers. The difference just is the lower leverage and higher the interest rate. Because Professor Merlin Perry thought when the Fed restarted the TALF to support the AAA level of new securities lending, and then start the mortgage-backed securities, and thus start to freeze on the stock market evidence. The FED transfer itself the role in the capital game. But when we overview the whole world, we will find the role of every central Bank had shift or transferring. All of Central Bank become to a last lender in the economics activities. For example, when the Bank of Bahrain had a terrible mistake of investing in Argentina, the Bank of England, the central Bank of England, lend a lot of money to Bank of Bahrain. Another example is the Fed lend to the Citi Bank and Bank of America after the Financial Crisis in 2008. Even though we find the People’s Bank of China never play the role of Lender. But in the China, they have another institution to lend and maintain the stable of Bank, which is called Central Huijin Investment Ltd. It will buy the bad debt and doubtful from the Bank like Bank of China, ICBC. To illustrate, when the Agriculture Bank of China prepares to list, the Central Huijin bought about 300 billion Yuan to reduce the bad debit and doubtful in Agriculture Bank of China.

            But as an institution to control the stable of economics, if they buy the bad debit or doubtful, where is the money from?? The most of Central Bank will have a solution of pressing more money. Then the inflation is appearing. And then in some years, due to the inflation, the economic will stick to mud because the central Bank can’t keep the balance between in inflation and development. So the Ron Paul thinks the Fed is why we have the Financial Crisis.

            So the Professor Ron Paul tells us, we need to end the Fed. Because it will bring many problems like bring Wars, change the sense of value for the American Culture.

    This book End the Fed explains harmful consequences of our monetary policy and fractional reserve banking. In this system, money comes into existence only through debt and is then used to create more debt. There is an over reliance on debt and too much debt can be harmful to most citizens.

    Why does the Fed resist telling us where the money went that it disbursed in the early stage of the global financial crisis - when a little liquidity allowed beneficiaries to buy any assets at fire-sale prices? This is the question I return to most often.

    The Fed makes funds available for government spending far in excess of what could sustainably be raised through direct taxation. Paul posits that our military engagements would not have played out as they did if government had to pay at least in part by raising taxes. Seen this way, the Fed influences political policy far more than people are generally aware.

             If we put our attention on the second largest country in GDP, China, we will find the central Bank which has the right to press money, bring a terrible inflation in China. The citizens have to insurance the high CPI above 5%. But if we do some research in the real life in China, we will find the real inflation rate is about 10%.

    For example, when my friends start studying in the college life, they only spend 1000 yuan ever month and they can get a good life in college. But when they start their junior life in university, they find they need 2000 yuan to maintain the life as same as the freshman year. They tell me the price of many goods is 2 times with previous price. They give me an example that the price of a bowl of noodles is 3 yuan in 2009, but the price is 5 yuan right now, and the dinner hall gave a notice of increasing the price. The noodle is the most basic food for the people who live in the place which my friends studying. But the problem is the have a low interest rate which is only 3%.

    So the Fed press more money will bring a high price of Commodities. Then the price of Commodities increases will leading to grow the price of other goods.

            Adapt to these reasons, Ron Paul suggests to return to the Gold Specie Standard which means “dollar is dollar”. It can be dismissed the disadvantage of Monetary hyper.

           But as we know, the gold is limited and about above 50% gold is owned by USA, England, France, German. So if the monetary policy of the whole world transfers to the Gold Specie Standard. We will find these 5 countries becoming more powerful and other countries had to alive with these five countries. Maybe another advantage of this policy is the whole world will become a Five-polar World to instead of the Single-polar World right now.

    What’s more, the speed of producing the gold is lower than the speed of generating the entries. If the government presses another currency replaces the gold which is mixed with gold. As the “Bad money drives out good” principle, the gold will out of the market. So the result is that return to the paper money.

          As my opinion, the right way is to limit the Fed to press the money. We should eliminate the behavior of the fed pressing the money without monitor by the citizens. I think we have not a better system to instead the central bank like the Fed. But we should strengthen the supervision of the Fed.

  • CLR via C#(第3版)序言赏读

    作者:FreshAIR 发布时间:2010-10-11 15:05:15

    Kristin Trace (Jeffrey之妻)写的序



    事实上,如果你想知道这一切是如何开始的,那么我可以大概地告诉你。大约10年前, Jeff去微软参加了一次“秘密会议”。微软向一帮行业专家(是真正的专家喔,要不然怎么会有这本书呢?相信我,这本书体现的绝不是Jeff大学时候的水平)揭示了COM的下一代,即.NET。那天晚上在床上(咳,我们俩在床上讨论的就是这种话题),他给我讲了COM之死。此后他就着迷了。是真的神魂颠倒。那段时间,他成天泡在微软雷蒙德园区42号楼,希望深入了解这个令人着迷的.NET。他和.NET的热恋至今还没有结束,这本书便是铁证!




    朋友们,这是Jeffrey Richter的鸿篇巨制。到此为止。以后不会再写书了。当然,每次他写完一本书,我们都这样说,但这一次,我们是认真的。所以,在写过大约13本书之后,这将是Jeff的收官之作,也是他的巅峰之作。大家请注意了,数量有限,欲购从速。机不可失,时不再来喔。(听起来是不是有点儿像奸商们的吆喝?)



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