悦读天下 -2009最新版公共基础知识
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》2009最新版公共基础知识电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9787503538766
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2008-7-1
  • 页数:468
  • 价格:45.0
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 更新时间:2025-01-09 23:27:55






















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  • 作者:妙脆角 发布时间:2021-10-17 17:03:33


  • 作者:鬼武者 发布时间:2022-10-17 23:01:30


  • 作者:云上是風 发布时间:2022-04-09 20:56:21


  • 作者:creep 发布时间:2023-11-04 17:09:55



  • But only God can make a tree

    作者:照叶 发布时间:2020-11-06 20:15:23

    这里有可以与《冰与火之歌》里红毒蛇大战魔山、《哈利波特》的魁地奇大赛和《黄金罗盘》的披甲熊决斗相媲美的有声书中最扣人心弦的对战场景 —— 而这是真实的八人单桨有舵手,一个在当今各种职业联赛风行全球的时代被大多数人冷落的运动。有声书的制作并非无懈可击,但我给它五星,因为Edward Herrmann的朗读成功地将作者的文字化为图像,将我带回童年时守在收音机前聆听女排比赛的激动时刻,更准确地说,是复活了那一时刻。



    主人公Joe Rantz,四岁丧母,随后数次被生父及后母抛弃,十岁的时候靠给学校准备取暖的柴火、帮食堂送餐换食宿。十五岁的时候父母又一次当着他的面开车离去,

    Joe’s stomach lurched. Finally he sputtered, “But can’t I just come along?”

    “No. That won’t work. Look, Son, if there’s one thing I’ve figured out about life, it’s that if you want to be happy, you have to learn how to be happy on your own.”


    He was hungry nearly all the time, and he wasn’t about to walk away from perfectly good food because of a bunch of jackasses in jerseys. He’d dug too many ditches, cut down too many cottonwoods, foraged in the cold, wet woods for too many berries and mushrooms.






    与在风暴和沙尘中苦苦挣扎的美国相比,1936年主办奥运的纳粹德国俨然一派欣欣向荣的景象:精心规划的城市整洁高效,纳粹旗帜四处飘扬;吉普赛人和无家可归者被关进了拘留营,反犹的报刊和标语从街头消失了;居民们被特别指导该如何热情又有礼貌地和外国人打交道;冲锋队、党卫军、青少年团、千千万万普通德国人心手合一地行纳粹举手礼、高呼“天佑希特勒”;庄严圣洁的奥运点火仪式让所有人屏住呼吸(你知道吗?“奥运圣火传递”就是戈培尔的宣传部想出来的点子);天才的Leni Riefenstahl 发明了各种机位展现雅利安人种的美丽、高贵和雄健—— 难怪某位美国奥运代表出此感言

    As for this man Hitler. . . . Well I believe we should all like to take him back to America with us and have him organize there just as he has done in Germany.”

    除了赛艇中的9个男孩,书中还有一位幕后英雄,英国人George Pocock。他出身制艇世家,父亲原本为伊顿制艇,因为“对雇主态度太随便”丢了工作,他和哥哥只好去温哥华碰运气,在事故中丢了两根手指后他被华盛顿的创队教练邀请到了西雅图。最终George不仅成为了全世界最好的制艇者,还是一位对赛艇运动具有最深刻理解的大师。本书的每一个章节都以他的一句箴言开头。


    On a bright, crisp September morning, as Pocock started up the steps to his loft in the shell house, he noticed Joe doing sit-ups on a bench at the back of the room. He motioned Joe to come over, said he’d noticed him peering up into the shop occasionally, and asked him if he’d like to look around. Joe all but bounded up the stairs.

    The loft was bright and airy, with morning light pouring in from two large windows in the back wall. The air was thick with the sweet-sharp scent of marine varnish. Drifts of sawdust and curls of wood shavings lay on the floor. A long I beam stretched nearly the full length of the loft, and on it lay the framework of an eight-oared shell under construction.

    Pocock started off by explaining the various tools he used. He showed Joe wood planes, their wooden handles burnished by decades of use, their blades so sharp and precise they could shave off curls of wood as thin and transparent as tissue paper. He handed him different old rasps and augers and chisels and files and mallets he’d brought over from England. Some of them, he said, were a century old. He explained how each kind of tool had many variations, how each file, for instance, was subtly different from another, how each served a different function but all were indispensable in the making of a fine shell. He guided Joe to a lumber rack and pulled out samples of the different woods he used—soft, malleable sugar pine, hard yellow spruce, fragrant cedar, and clear white ash. He held each piece up and inspected it,turning it over and over in his hands, and talked about the unique properties of each and how it took all of them contributing their individual qualities to make a shell that would come to life in the water. He pulled a long cedar plank from a rack and pointed out the annual growth rings. Joe already knew a good deal about the qualities of cedar and about growth rings from his time splitting shakes with Charlie McDonald, but he was drawn in as Pocock began to talk about what they meant to him.

    Joe crouched next to the older man and studied the wood and listened intently. Pocock said the rings told more than a tree’s age; they told the whole story of the tree’s life over as much as two thousand years. Their thickness and thinness spoke of hard years of bitter struggle intermingled with rich years of sudden growth. The different colors spoke of the various soils and minerals that the tree’s roots encountered, some harsh and stunting, some rich and nourishing. Flaws and irregularities told how the trees endured fires and lightning strikes and windstorms and infestations and yet continued to grow.

    As Pocock talked, Joe grew mesmerized. It wasn’t just what the Englishman was saying, or the soft, earthy cadence of his voice, it was the calm reverence with which he talked about the wood—as if there was something holy and sacred about it—that drew Joe in. The wood, Pocock murmured, taught us about survival, about overcoming difficulty, about prevailing over adversity, but it also taught us something about the underlying reason for surviving in the first place. Something about infinite beauty, about undying grace, about things larger and greater than ourselves. About the reasons we were all here.

    “Sure, I can make a boat,” he said, and then added, quoting the poet Joyce Kilmer, “‘But only God can make a tree.’”

    Pocock pulled out a thin sheet of cedar, one that had been milled down to three-eighths of an inch for the skin of a shell. He flexed the wood and had Joe do the same. He talked about camber and the life it imparted to a shell when wood was put under tension. He talked about the underlying strength of the individual fibers in cedar and how, coupled with their resilience, they gave the wood its ability to bounce back and resume its shape, whole and intact, or how, under steam and pressure, they could take a new form and hold it forever. The ability to yield, to bend, to give way, to accommodate, he said, was sometimes a source of strength in men as well as in wood, so long as it was helmed by inner resolve and by principle.

    He took Joe to one end of the long beam on which he was constructing the frame for a new shell. Pocock sighted along the pine keel and invited Joe to do the same. It had to be precisely straight, he said, for the whole sixty-two-foot length of the boat, not a centimeter of variance from one end to the other or the boat would never run true. And in the end that trueness could only come from its builder, from the care with which he exercised his craft, from the amount of heart he put into it.

    Pocock paused and stepped back from the frame of the shell and put his hands on his hips, carefully studying the work he had so far done. He said for him the craft of building a boat was like religion. It wasn’t enough to master the technical details of it. You had to give yourself up to it spiritually; you had to surrender yourself absolutely to it. When you were done and walked away from the boat, you had to feel that you had left a piece of yourself behind in it forever, a bit of your heart. He turned to Joe. “Rowing,” he said, “is like that. And a lot of life is like that too, the parts that really matter anyway. Do you know what I mean, Joe?” Joe, a bit nervous, not at all certain that he did, nodded tentatively, went back downstairs, and resumed his sit-ups, trying to work it out.


    八十多年前的美国又是如何走出它的困境的?作者没有明言。不过他描绘了Franklin D. Roosevelt总统在大库利大坝(Grand Coulee Dam )开工前特意赶到华盛顿州的Ephrata小镇发表讲话的情景。在作者笔下,包括Pocock在内的现场两万名听众

    Many of them would never forget the day. For them, it was a dawning, the first real hint of hope. If there was little they could do individually to turn the situation around, perhaps there was something they could do collectively. Perhaps the seeds of redemption lay not just in perseverance, hard work, and rugged individualism. Perhaps they lay in something more fundamental—the simple notion of everyone pitching in and pulling together.


    Where is the spiritual value of rowing? . . . The losing of self entirely to the cooperative effort of the crew as a whole.


    “so long as it was helmed by inner resolve and by principle.”如果他们从小被灌输的原则就是错误的呢?


    A gentle autumn breeze tousled their mostly fair hair. Their eyes shone with zeal, illuminated by trust. Their faces were so full of grace, so free of blemish, so perfect, that even today, even in the old black-and-white film, you can almost see the pink blush of their cheeks. And yet many of these were the faces of young men who would someday pull sobbing children from their mothers’ arms and herd them into gas chambers; who would order Polish women to strip naked, line them up at the edge of trenches, and shoot them in the back; who would lock all the women and children of the French town of Oradour-sur-Glane in a barn and set it on fire.


    A little less than ten years in the future, in the last few desperate days of the Third Reich, scores of Hitler Youth—boys as young as ten or eleven—would crouch below the bell tower among blocks of fine Franconian limestone, the rubble of thebuildings now being erected, shooting at advancing Russian boys, many of them not a great deal older than they. And in those last few days, as Berlin burned all around them, some of those German boys—those who cried or refused to shoot or tried to surrender—would be lined up against these limestone slabs by their officers and shot.


    The German boys and the Italian boys were already in their boats. The Italians were wearing silky light blue uniforms, and they had tied white bandanas rakishly around their heads, pirate-style. The Germans were resplendent in white shorts and crisp white jerseys, each emblazoned with a black eagle and swastika. The American boys were wearing mismatched track shorts and tattered old sweatshirts. They didn’t want to get their new uniforms dirty.


  • 更爱,更恨,更痛苦

    作者:瘦竹 发布时间:2008-03-14 14:15:45

















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